Friday, May 16, 2008

No time like the present...

That's what my mom always
So here I am blogging....My hubby had his knee surgery yesterday and is doing is very painful though. But Dr. said he was able to fix it and it should be good after it heals all the way. I am so glad of has been a year, 3months and 3 days since he wrecked and we are still not back to normal at our house. At this point I don't know what normal is...
My job is only lasting through the end of May so I am on a job hunt now...I can't go all summer with no income....praying that I find something I like and that I make good money at.
On another good note...I have lost 15 pounds so far...I started cutting back on sugar and fat on March 27th, 2008...and I haven't had a Dr. Pepper since then...I drank one Sprite and got a kidney infection so I just cut them all permanently from my diet...I feel a little bit better too. Now if I can find some time to walk and get some excercise I am sure I can lose even more.
I have been so busy with the magazine in the evening and school all day that I haven't had much free time lately. Plus when ever I get a free minute I am busy designing stuff to go in the stuff in at under the name DigitalGator Designs...I am loving the magazine and the designer jobs though...even if they are time consuming for me.
My house will just have to wait til this weekend, I need to clean and get some stuff done so that when Alex and Ethan go to their dad's for the summer it will stay clean...Only 14 more days until Austin graduates from High School! Wow, that 18 years just seemed to fly by. Alex gets to graduate a year early...he has enough credits to so he is going to finish early and get started on his college...maybe he wil be a millionair some day and I can quit work and sit home and scrap all day...and blog about how rich he
Well, I better get break is almost over now...


Cheryl said...

I am glad to read the surgery went well. I hope he comes to full recovery.

Yeah for you for losing weight! Keep it up! Go walk!

Oh, and yep...didn't we tell you that designing would keep you from scrapping? So many people quit just because of that!